Dr. Philip Bevilacqua
Phil Bevilacqua is a chemist and biochemist who studies RNA structure and function.
Dr. William Burgos
Bill Burgos is an environmental engineer and geochemist who studies microbial metabolic networks in extreme environments.
Dr. Benjamin Cardenas
Benjamin Cardenas works on sedimentary records reflecting the evolution of ancient landscapes..
Dr. Joseph Cotruvo
Joseph Cotruvo is a chemist interested in metal selectivity in biological systems.
Dr. Estelle Couradeau
Estelle Couradeau is a microbiologist interested in the evolution and behavior of light-harvesting bacteria.
Dr. Matthew Fantle
Matt Fantle research focuses on metal isotope systematics in laboratory and natural systems.
Dr. James G. Ferry
Greg Ferry is a microbial physiologist who studies the evolution and biochemistry of metabolisms important for understanding early Earth including methanogenesis.
Dr. Miriam Freedman
Miriam Freedman is a chemist. she researches aerosol particles’ impact on climate through their interactions with light, clouds, as well as heterogeneous chemistry.
Dr. Katherine Freeman
Kate Freeman is a biogeochemist and organic isotope geochemist. She directs the NASA-funded Astrobiology Center for Isotopologue Research (ACIR).
Dr. Christopher H. House
Chris House is a microbial geobiologist interested in the origin of life and signatures of life with the potential to be preserved on other planets. He is the director of Penn State’s Planetary System Science Center (PSSC) and Planetary and Exoplanetary Sciences and Technology Consortium (CPEST). He is a member of the NASA-funded Astrobiology Center for Isotopologue Research (ACIR) and the NASA NFOLD research network through the Laboratory for Agnostic Biosignatures project headed by Dr. Sarah Stewart Johnson at Georgetown University.
Dr. Miquela Ingalls
Miquela Ingalls is a geologist and geochemist who combines field geology, petrography, and stable isotope geochemistry to improve tectonic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. James Kasting
Jim Kasting is a geoscientist who models the evolution of planetary atmospheres.
Dr. Christine Keating
Christine Keating studies pre-biotic chemistry, specifically how polymers such as RNA congregate into dense phases that could become proto-cells.
Dr. Lee Kump
Lee Kump is a geochemist who models the evolution of planetary ocean-atmosphere systems.
Dr. Kimberly Lau
Kimberly Lau’s research can be broadly described as isotopic biogeochemistry.
Dr. Jennifer Macalady
ARC Director
Dr. Suvrath Mahadevan
Suvrath Mahadevan is an astronomer who studies exoplanets using cutting edge instrumentation..
Dr. Tushar Mittal
Tushar Mittall focuses on solid Earth processes that are the primary controls on the evolution of the planetary atmosphere, ecosystems, and habitability.
Dr. Jesse Reimink
Jesse Reimink is a geoscientist who studies the Precambrian evolution of the solid Earth.